The Beginning: Graduation Day!

Graduation, a meaningful word. Graduation a ceremony at which degrees are conferred. That is the definition for the word Graduation. But this word means more than a ceremony for me. It means changes in my life, to reach a higher stage of my life, the time to become a new person, the time to grow up, time to follow my dreams and separate responsibilities from fun. I never really expect that I could graduate and I never thought that graduation would mean that much for me. I only thought Graduation would be just a day for me to receive a diploma and go to another level of education. "Guys, tomorrow is our big day! We're Graduating!" Josyl said. "Yeah,I never thought that I would graduate because of some technical problems." I said. "Ahh, Alex don't be like that! Of course you'd Graduate!" Kzia said. "Oh,thanks guys! You're really the best!"I hugged them so tight. ••• I'am getting ready for this is the day! This is day that I waited so long! I am Graduating! I'am entering my Alma matter and I just felt my tears. Walking along I remembered all the memories in every corner of this school. This memories will never fade! Until I heard some one calling my name. "Alex! Alex!" I heard Josyl calling me. "Josyl!" I called and ran towards her. "This is it! This is the day that we've been waiting for! We're Graduating" I said. While we're waiting for the ceremony to start we take pictures and selfies because it's our big day. After waiting, the procesional started, all of us walk down the carpet with our parents. At last the ceremony started! While Eunice was saying her Valedictorian Address all of us cried and our parents has a big smile in their face because their proud of us. "This may be the day that we can't see each other everyday,but this isn't the end guys! This is just the beginning!" "CONGRATULATIONS BATCH 2018-2019!" Eunice said and bowed to us. After Eunice red her Valedictorian Address she sat down and when it's my turn to read my speech, I saw my parents standing and clapping their hands with a very big smile in their faces. "There is a universal truth we all have to face Wheather we want it or not,everything eventually ends." I started with a sad smile. "As much I looked forward to this day,I've always disliked endings. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book,parting ways with your bestfriends. But endings are inevitable, leaves fall, you close the book. You say goodbye." "Today is one of those days for us. Today we said goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything was comfortable. We're moving on. But just because we're leaving, and that hurts,there some people who are so much a part us,they'll be with us no matter what. There are our solid ground. Our North Star. And the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always."CONGRATULATIONS BATCH 2019!" I ended up my speech with a big smile and bowed to them. All of my Classmates,teachers, and of course my proud parents stood up and clap their hands. When I returned to my seat I saw mom waving at me and crying. ••• The ceremony continued. After a long wait all of us went to the waiting area because we are going to receive our diplomas and medals. I stand up confidently and received my diploma, I smile confidently and I when I saw my parents taking pictures at me, I smiled at mom. When I got to the other side of the stage mom called me. "Alex! Smile !" I smiled proudly at her." I love you Mom!" " I love you too Alex!" We then took a group photo as BATCH 2018-2019. All of us are very happy because we've graduated and we are very lucky to our parents because their showed their love and support though out our journey. The ceremony ended and we went back to our classroom and wait for our lunch. While waiting for our lunch we take pictures and talk to each other about how happy we are. "I'm so happy for us guys!" Kzia said. "Me too! Especially to Alex, I'm happy that you graduated!" Josyl said. "Guys I'm very happy because all of us graduated and we have our parents here that supported us through out our journey." "Congrats guys!" Kzia said. I couldn't believe how many people came to celebrate our graduation day with us. I knew my friends immediate families, but I got to meet everyone's extended families,and hear stories about them that I can't forget. Then I took what felt like a million of pictures,and hugged everyone I know. ••• Days later, after I graduated I feel so proud and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embrassed I was walking across the stage in front of all those people,feeling famous after taking so many pictures,making our final memories together at our graduation party,and then being nervous wreck when it was time to go out to the world without my best friends at my side. Elementary graduation day was a very emotional day for me,but it was by far the most exciting day I've experienced in my life.


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