Friendnemies in Love

I'm Verity Aislinn Gonzalez, a simple girl from a mid -class  family. Growing up in a mid-class family is sometimes easy but sometimes difficult because  you need to work hard for you to have what you want. But  I've always taught myself to work hard.
Today is my first day of school at Far Eastern University. Since I was a kid I really love playing football that's why I chose this University. This University is known to be the most strongest among all the schools in football. All I wanted when I chose this  is to be one of those players that catches that ball and win a goal.
I'm heading to my classroom when someone bumped me. My books were scattered on the floor.
"Hey, I'm sorry.I'm going to be late."he said.
"Its ok. Im also getting late besides it's my fault. I'm not looking on my way and busy finding my classroom."I said then bend my knees to get some of my books on the floor.
"Let me help you. By the way, I'm Caleb. Caleb Isaiah Cervantes.
"Verity Aislinn Gonzales, you can call me Ais. Nice  to meet you, Caleb." I said.
"Ahm, Ais can you show me the way to this building? I don't know where to go. Since you were the first person I knew here." He said
"Oh sure! Can you show me the paper you were holding so I can lead the way."then he showed me the paper. "Oh, were going on the same building with the same classroom,meaning were classmates."
As the days passed, I'm getting close with Caleb. We eat lunch together, do our assignments together, go home together,
and joined the same club.
While I was walking going to Mrs. Castillo's room, I saw Caleb going towards me.
"Hey, where are you going?"He said.
"Going to Mrs.Castillo's room,you know gonna pass those papers works I did this weekends."I insisted.
"Oh could I come with you,i'm also going to Mrs Castillo's room."he said.
"Sure!"I said.
We went to Mrs Castillo's room and I pass my paperworks.I left Caleb with Mrs Castillo because I need to go to my next class.
After class, I immediately go out of the classroom to go home when I saw Caleb walking towards me.
"Going home?" Caleb.
"Yup! you?"
"I will go to the convenience store to buy some snacks. Wanna come with me?" He said
"Sure" I said happily
We are walking going to a convenience store,  suddenly Caleb whispered something that I  can't hear.
"Ais,adjkfhdj" he said but I can't hear the last word.
"What?, Did you said something?"
"Okay?"I said with a curious face
Then we continued walking and reached the store.
"What do you want to buy? My treat."
"No thanks."
As we walk to go home,both untilof us was silent, we reached out house.
"So we're here." he said.
"I guess. So see you tommorow?" And I went inside.
"See you tommorow" and he turn around to walk home.
Years o
"Hey, remember me?"he said.
"Of course. My bestfriend. Before. How can I forget you. You left without letting me know." I said with confidence.
"Well, yeah. I'm sorry for not letting you know. It was accidentally planed by my parents. And I don't have the courage to stop them. But now I have to tell you this. I know it's not a good timing but we meet in this situation." He chuckled.
"I'm telling you that before I left that I feel different. My heart actually beats fast when I'm with you and it's not normal. I'm always thinking about you, and I'm actually uncomfortable when you're around. I'm making my self more presentable when I'm going to see you. And I know, I think I like you. No! I'm actually falling I love with you."Caleb said.
Well, I'm actually speechless. I don't know what to say but I thing it's the right time to tell him this feelings that I'm hiding for a long time.
I looked up at him.
"Wow! Well I'm speechless. And I know it's the time to tell this feeling I'm hiding for many years. Honestly, we experienced the same feeling. And I know that feeling. I'm falling for you Caleb. I'm falling inlove with you!"I said while my tears are falling.
"I knew it! Ha! I knew it. So since we have the same feelings, can I court you now?" Caleb said with a smile in his face.
"You're not nervous that I might going to reject you?" I said.
"Uhm, no. Honestly I feel happy."
"What do you mean"
"Yes I'm letting you to court me" I said with a genuine smile plastered on my face.
One day at work, I  received a beautiful flower bouquet. In it, she counted 11 flowers and found a short note in it. It was written in beautiful lettering and said:
“My love for you will last until the day the last flower in this bouquet dies.”
The note was from Caleb. He never failed to make me smile every time he gave gifts to me. He court me and he said that he will wait until the day that ill give my sweetest 'yes' to him.
I went home in the evening and soaked the flowers with water. One day after another, the flowers became a little less beautiful until they all died. All but one flower. This was the day when she realized that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever.

                               =THE END=


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